Well its nearing that time in my life when I need to decide where to go to college. It's really cool how it seems to become clearer every day, God is awesome. My top school right now is Virginia Tech. As I was sitting here, working on applications, it entered my mind to try to find what kind of Christian groups are at the colleges I'm interested in. As I looked, I couldn't find much , except for VT. They seem to have an amazing group of believers in the Intervarsity program. As I browsed through their site, I came upon this nugget of photographic gold from one of the boys small groups at VT. So basically God showed me that:
1. There is a really cool group of Christians at VT, and
2. It really is possible to duct tape someone to a ceiling!
Praise God! Go Hokies!
Nice picture!
Just make sure to watch out for anybody with the last name of Vick around there. One of them also goes by Ron Mexico. Look it up, it's funny.
hey eogaard
i knew a kid who went to vt from the first youth group i worked with and he is a christian before and after he left vt so if you want to know what groups to look for or what not let me know and i can get in touch with him...peace out boy scout
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