(Ok Claypool, ya happy?)
First off, Happy Easter everybody!
Well I got beck from California on Saturday. It was great. We saw San Francisco, a Redwood forest, Monterey, pebble beach, & then had great ski weather up in Lake Tahoe. Literally, the best skiing I've ever had. I got real bad sunburn, real, real bad, my face looks like I've been through a nuclear reactor. But it was worth it. The only thing that was bad was that I didn't do any quiet time stuff. That part stunk. I also missed the Youth Group, its been a while, but I'll see you all on Wednesday. Its Easter, which means its the end of lent, So I want to thank Ben Kendrew for all the work he put into all those devotionals for the last 40 days. They were really, really good. If anyone is looking for a good devotional series, go onto his blog & read through them. They have focused on a bunch of things that I have taken for granted or have overlooked in my Christian life. This is the first Easter in a while that has been exceptionally awesome to me. Last night I read through Ben's devotional #39, the Via Dolorosa, and it was awesome. I never saw the connection between the old testimony prophesy in Psalm 22, and the crucifixion/Easter story laid out in the new testiment. Its really cool, and it really affirmed the fact that Jesus was the Christ. Then it hit me (I know this in nothing new, but it was awesome at the time, and still is) that the whole old testiment, all the way from Adam, through Moses, David, and even the whole... well EVERYTHING, led up to ONE point, the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Whoa. Think about it. Whoa! That was really cool. I felt like I just came out of a Stuart Hall talk. Spiritual high! It rocked. So Praise God Everybody because Christ is alive! Whoa! Amen!
where are the pebble beach pictures, who cares about skiing, show some golf pictures...(this is coming from someone who hates skiing and loves golf) later on
There's a pebble beach panoramic picture at the top, I'll try to find some others for later. By the way, you seem to be the only guy around who knows what Pebble Beach is. I wanted to golf there, but there was a 3 year waiting list, and it cost $450 for 18.
did you actually go there? if you went there... like stayed there then i am jealous.
Dude, three years and 450? That's it? You need to learn how to be patient. You should have stood in line, it would have built some character. Freaking sissy.
I do suppose I could dress up like a hobo, and over the course of 3 years (haha, pun), beg $450 off all the rich people.
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