Sorry about the LEBO STREET GANG videos folks, I tried but they won't work anywhere, so I give up.
In other news- through a lengthy discussion/lecture/debate/argument with my mom, it was decided that the TV will not be on all summer because it makes me lazy or fat or something. Therefore I'll have quite a bit of time at home & I'll be really bored. So I decided that I'll read. A lot. Right now my book list includes the Bible, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (not the whole thing), and Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. So if anyone out there has any other life changing books or absolute must reads, leave them. (No Cam this doesn't include comics).
Erik, I can get you a list of some good books I suggest you should read. Good for you man, renew your mind.
i would suggest cost of discipleship by dietrich bonhoeffer and also knowing God by JI Packer...i thought these where the best two books i have ever read...ji tends to be a little hard to read but i think you can handle it...talk to you later
Ben C - was Bonhoeffer that German pastor who worked against the Nazis?
Thanks ben c both those books look awsome
yes he was..sorry i didn't get back sooner...haven't been on the computer as much
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