So I'm reading the Imitation of Christ and I'm learning that the author, Thomas a Kempis is really in touch with God. This is a quote that's really been on my mind, "The more recollected a man is, and the more simple of heart he becomes, the easier he understands sublime things, for he receives the light of knowledge from above". I think this could be an answer to prayers, not only mine, but many others in the faith. If you rearrange the words & dumb them down a bit, your get, "If you become simple, you will understand the complex". Stax may be a prophet after all. But anyway, I think there is allot to be learned from this. I've noticed that its really hard to concentrate on God when there are a million distractions around you (noise, light, people). There is no such thing as silence today. That's part of the reason I do my devotionals at midnight or later- everyone else is asleep and its really quiet, well except for the refrigerator humm, the computer sounds, the cars outside, airplanes going overhead, and my cell phone. Ben C told me that when he was in Scotland, he had a lot of quiet reflection time because there wasn't a phone, or tv, or something. Ben K told me that had some time in college that was a time of isolation, reflection and focusing on God, and God's calling for his life. So I want to try this. Since I'm a naturalist, I think the best way for me to simplify my life in order to really focus on God is to get out there in the sticks. Really, really out there in the sticks for some time alone with God. I think it would really help me to connect with God, and he may even reveal some answers to questions I have about my life. I really think this could be a big thing. God has used the wilderness & isolation in powerful ways in the Bible. Moses encountered God in the wilderness before he began his ministry, the Israelites wandered the desert for years and were refined/cleansed/renewed, John the Baptist lived out there, and Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert before he began his ministry. I don't hold a light to any of these great men, but I figure the Spirit might be leading me out there for some time. (Yes I know the devil tempted Jesus for 40 days- that's not my goal). The goal would be simplicity, silence, and intimacy with the Lord in order to renew my mind. Maybe I'd do it alone, maybe with one other Christian friend looking for answers like I am. I don't know. But I definitely think God wants me to do this... soon. So if anyone out there is feeling a similar Godly Call of the Wild, talk to me.
1 comment:
erik awsome insight and i think you will notice everyone in the bible not just the ones you mentioned all had a time in the wilderness...paul, elijah, and so forth...but you are on to something there...have a good one
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