I started reading this book in July at the reccomendation of a bunch of folks, and I just finished it last week. Over the past few months I did this book dirty with a highlighter. It is one of the greatist books I've ever read. Rob Bell has an awesome gift. If you havent read this book, I strongly encourage you to do so. And for all you folks who've read it already, there's another Bell book coming out March 2nd!
what about the book was good? what made it soo great? i just want to know from others what was soo good about the book...what did he say that was great? because when i re read it i realized he brings up all these questions and never expounds on them...just let the hanging there and so i would impose my own thoughts onto why he felt certain ways...also too much of the book is the nooma videos...just want to see what made it great for you?
The thing I liked about it the most was that Bell took scripture passages and revealed new aspects of them that I had never realised. Perhaps this is the NOOMA videos in print- but it was the first time I was exposed to the stuff. I liked how he approached the church in a "new" way, trying to model his chuch after the first century folks. The book really got me thinking about how the church should interact with the world around it- missions, outreach, government. And like you said- he does bring up some questions & leaves us hanging- but I think he does that intentionally- because he doesnt think there are "correct answers" all the time- just different interpretations. I think he realises that these issues lie in that area and just wants to get people thinking about it more than giving an answer.
The chapters DUST and YOKE are wonderful in my opinion. The book is written in refreshing out of the box style, that is much needed in the christian cirlces. Most books come with a health and wealth or how to or gloom and doom christian critique. Bell's V.E. is awesome because it challenges you to rethink the christian faith, so Yoke and Dust do that for me.
i hope i didn't come across as bashing you for liking it please do not take it that way...i was just wondering why people are obsessing over this book, it reminds me of the purpose driven life...both good books but not worth (in my opinion) the obession in the church community...i love what rob bell says i was just disappointed in the book i thought it was going to be amazing after watching the nooma videos...hope all is well with you in school
No harm taken man- this is an online book discussion- anything is up for grabs. School is good- lots of work but I love it. Got a gang of guys from intervarsity that hang out & do crazy stuff like drink whole two lieters of coke while watching manly movies- good times.
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