Monday, November 13, 2006

God is so awesome.

So Engineering is a pain in the butt, right. Yea. That's what I thought. And up until yesterday I saw very little connection between the crap that they dish out here at VT for me to do, and the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. I've been praying for so long that God would reveal himself. Then I talked to a bunch of unbelievably wise mentor/ friends yesterday & today. They have amazing insight. Basically this is what God said. "Can I trust you with this much? Because SURELY greater things are yet to come". OH MY GOD! YOU ARE AMAZING! This is the greatest piece of motivation I've ever been given. Basically today was a turning point for me in my relationship with the Lord. I surrendered alot of crap today & God felt really cool. The worship at church was unbelievably powerful. Honestly, the best I've had in a long time.
(Another random sidenote/rant, Christianity at college is awesome because people dont BS each other. If someone is sad, or overwhelmed- they cry & are comforted, If someone is elated or filled with the joy of the Spirit, they dance, raise their arms, and do everything they can to magnify the glory of God to those around them. If people go to a small group, they are hungry... no starving for knowledge & insight from above. There are no retarded Sunday school answers to mundane everyday questions. Questions down here are gripping & real. They pierce to your soul. Faith and emotions are RAW, THERE IS NO SUGAR COATING, if you're living wrong, YOU'LL HEAR IT- and you'll be uplifted, comforted, and prayed for by your BROTHERS AND SISTERS. STUDENTS RUN THE SHOW. EVERY ASPECT. People realize that Jesus and his followers were dangerous people. They DO NOT CARE IF THEY'RE NICE as long as they're one with the Lord. They DO NOT CONFORM, and they LOVE THE LORD WITH THEIR WHOLE BEING. This is what God intended & I love it.)

Our God is an awesome God.


Anonymous said...

glad to see you finally expierenced what church really is suppose to be...amazing huh? i wish it didn't get lost in the pc-ness of suburbia life!

Joseph said...

Can't agree more man. I'm hoping to see you tomorrow so give me a call. My new cell is 412 651 2681. God bless.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I'm excited to hear that.