Wednesday, December 13, 2006


This past semester, I've gotten really hooked on coffee. I feel like an addict- and I am. I drink about two 16 ounce cups of really strong coffee a day. For all of you non coffee drinkers, that's 700 mg, or over 18 CANS OF MOUNTAIN DEW every day. Its really bad. I'm gonna try to go cold over break- so if you see me & i'm cranky or tired, that's why.


Anonymous said...

it probably won't help that my mother works at the coffie tree and would give you free coffie (really really good free coffie) but alas, do you like it black? cause thats how i drink it, i might be getting hooked, i drink it whenever i can, but i'm not drinking as much as you.

Erik Ostergaard said...

I never water down my black coffee

brothers don't shake hands said...

beware of the headaches when you try to stop...i get bad headaches when i don't have some caffeine...regular asprin helps the might be hard to go cold turkey might have to ween yourself off the coffee

brothers don't shake hands said...
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Cam said...

i was anonymous, i don't know why it said that

The Mad Mailman Family said...

Wow Cam, coffee is not a hard word to spell. It consists of 4 letters. That's only one more than 'Cam.' Anyway, coffee is for dorks. DMD is the only source of caffeine. Just don't turn into one those coffee drinking losers who thinks they're so original because they drink it. I may have to blog on the whole coffee thing.

Dr. Jaz said...

18 is a lot of Mountain Dew. That is not good. Ask Connor about coffee and how it didn't help him much.

Connor said...

I cut myself off coffee though -- I used to drink 2-4 cups every day. That's worse than EO. But, when we went to Surf City, I felt awkward asking for coffee, so I stopped drinking it then, and I really never started again. Well, sort of.

Eric said...

There could be a connection with that and the height... They say caffeine stunts your growth.