Hey all,
Sorry its been so long since I've been able to blog everybody, I have been rediculousally buisy with school- its been nuts. I was in a New Testiment class, but it was insanely hard to carry with the engineering load, so I had to drop it. It kinda stinks, but now I have 8 more hours a week to read, journal, & blog, and realax in general. Ergo, you'll hear more from me, like it or not.
Sorry its been so long since I've been able to blog everybody, I have been rediculousally buisy with school- its been nuts. I was in a New Testiment class, but it was insanely hard to carry with the engineering load, so I had to drop it. It kinda stinks, but now I have 8 more hours a week to read, journal, & blog, and realax in general. Ergo, you'll hear more from me, like it or not.
So all year, I've been getting really involved with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at school. This is an amazing group of people seeking the Lord in one of the most godless settings known to man. I've been really growing in my faith and developing realationships within this group- seriousally I have a family down at school. I'm also starting to realise what God has planned for me down at school. THE COLLEGE DORM IS ONE OF THE GREATIST MISSION FIELDS IN AMERICA. There is no other setting on Earth where you can take a dozen strangers and force them to engage each other. What better place to show the love of Christ? My floor has four Christian guys, and the time we spend togeather is awesome. Its really cool to see God work through this group of brothers to minister to the guys on our hall. The realationships you build through Christ are 500 times more genuine, and meaningful than those built without.
On a completely opposite, but no so unrealted, note- girls who live their lives to serve Christ ROCK SO HARD.
So I'm finally on spring break. BOOM. This week is such a blessing, and i got almost nothing to do, its awesome- so give me a call if you want to hang out or whatever. I'm trying to catch a Pens game sometime while I'm here- yea right. But seriousally, hockey is dead in the south. They're too caught up with freaking NASCAR.
If you're going to a Pens game, i'd love to come, too. I'm glad you're doing well and also glad you're back for a while. We should definitly kick it sometime. (Like Eat n' Park at 1 in the morning or w/e)
it was so good to get your comment. once i finally figure out how to get this thing working im definitely going to put more frequent updates up. words can not begin to describe the things that God is doing in my life right now. its simply amazing
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