Tuesday, March 13, 2007

THE PENS ARE HERE TO STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Governor Ed Rendell, Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato and Mayor Luke Ravenstahl joined Pittsburgh Penguins co-owners Mario Lemieux and Ron Burkle Tuesday in announcing a deal for a new multi-purpose arena that will keep the Penguins in Pittsburgh for at least the next 30 years.

The $290 million arena will be built across the street from the current Mellon Arena, between Centre and Fifth Avenues.

ITS ABOUT TIME FOLKS. Not to mention, this arena could put Pgh back on the map for concert tours!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Vietnam- the stuff you'll never see back home.

Vietnam...meet Frick

Power lines


An ad for a cruse on "the Junk"

Uncle Steve

I like to call these guys the imperial guard. They are nothing but thugs in uniform- they can steal your money, your car, your drivers lisence, put you in jail, or do anything they want if you don't pay up.

A memorial along the 17th parallel (the border between the old north and south Vietnam) commemorating "The People's Victory". This was some of the bloodiest ground during the war, and was disturbing to say the least. American and Vietnamese guys my age died here 35 years ago.

These are piles of shot down American Bombers that were collected and made into a giant pillar of destruction. Makes me want to vomit.

For the record, most of these planes were clearly fake- just look at the paint jobs- navy and air force insignia on the same plane. Pretty sure we moved on to jets by the 70's too. But the war and the people these planes represented wasn't fake at all.

I cant imagine what's going through Don's head here- He knew what Vietnam meant & it must have been so much more intense for him

This is Hanoi Hilton- a military prison during the war. It was originally built by the French in the 1700s where the worst of Vietnamese prisoners were kept starved & tortured. American pilots shot down near Hanoi were taken here during the war and given the same treatment until they were returned at the wars end. This place was numbing.

Yea right.

Broken glass bottles on the top of the walls to prevent anyone from climbing over

The pilots were shackled to the floor for days at a time. Temperatures could easily reach 100 in these cells, and these guys couldn't move at all. They did slant the floors back though, so you didn't have to sit in your urine all day.

Death Row

Propaganda bull. They actually believe this.

The Vietnamese Government used photos from US papers covering anti war protests and twisted it to say that these Americans were protesting for Vietnamese Freedom- that even America was on the side of the People. They won the war though, and therefore reserve the right to rewrite history any way they see fit. I look at this though, and wonder- have we learned anything from Vietnam?

This is a shot looking up from the outer prison wall. Behind the Hanoi Hilton, the place where US soldiers felt some of the most brutal pain of the war, sits the 50 story Best Western of Hanoi. Tell me now- despite the efforts of the People's Government- Who really won?

Ho Chi Minnh's grave

Me & Ho Chi Minnh.


Governmet 'Housing'

This is a better than average bedroom.

This is the kitchen of a well off family of 6.

Rice farming has to be the hardest job on earth, and most of Vietnam does this for a living. You are bent over, and up to you knees in mud all day. Leeches all around. You get paid nearly nothing. Its 105 degrees and more humid than anything you can ever imagine. You wear the same old pair of disgusting old wet clothes every day because nothing ever dries in this humidity. If you live in the country, chances are that you will work every day of your life in this patty. It truely makes me thankful for the blessing God's given me.


Me & Ballgame on the bike

Steve drove his bike strait into a parked bus. He didn't even fall over, even though the bike slid under and he hit his head right on the rear panel. Dude is Diesel. Steve stood right up and was like, "Who the heck parks a Bus there!". He later almost picked a fight with a little old Vietnamese lady afterward because she kept laughing at him. It was freaky at first but hilarious.

Kyle is funny

What the...?

All you Killa

perfect blackmail picture

More than anything else from this trip, I'll remember the children in Vietnam. These kids are so happy with the little they've been given. Vietnam, despite all its troubles, still has a lot of hope. Jesus loves this country so much, and I cant wait to see the day when every tongue on Earth- from America to Vietnam, proclaims Jesus as Lord of all.

"After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! " -Luke 10: 1-3

Friday, March 02, 2007

Back in the Burgh

Hey all,
Sorry its been so long since I've been able to blog everybody, I have been rediculousally buisy with school- its been nuts. I was in a New Testiment class, but it was insanely hard to carry with the engineering load, so I had to drop it. It kinda stinks, but now I have 8 more hours a week to read, journal, & blog, and realax in general. Ergo, you'll hear more from me, like it or not.
So all year, I've been getting really involved with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at school. This is an amazing group of people seeking the Lord in one of the most godless settings known to man. I've been really growing in my faith and developing realationships within this group- seriousally I have a family down at school. I'm also starting to realise what God has planned for me down at school. THE COLLEGE DORM IS ONE OF THE GREATIST MISSION FIELDS IN AMERICA. There is no other setting on Earth where you can take a dozen strangers and force them to engage each other. What better place to show the love of Christ? My floor has four Christian guys, and the time we spend togeather is awesome. Its really cool to see God work through this group of brothers to minister to the guys on our hall. The realationships you build through Christ are 500 times more genuine, and meaningful than those built without.
On a completely opposite, but no so unrealted, note- girls who live their lives to serve Christ ROCK SO HARD.
So I'm finally on spring break. BOOM. This week is such a blessing, and i got almost nothing to do, its awesome- so give me a call if you want to hang out or whatever. I'm trying to catch a Pens game sometime while I'm here- yea right. But seriousally, hockey is dead in the south. They're too caught up with freaking NASCAR.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Spring break!!!!!!!!!

Dude, spring break is like a day away! Cant wait.