So yea Tech is pretty cool. This one goes out to the Rev BK for calling out my spiritual future in college so far by saying, "you'll find a bunch of weird Engineering Christian fiends at college and it'll be a blast". That's exactly what's happening. As far as I can tell, of the kids involved in the 40 Christian organizations here at Tech, most of them are engineers. Not only are they "Christian", but many have extremely deep relationships with Christ. Interesting huh? Something I noticed is that there are ministries here where kids are all Godly one day, then out drinking the next. One leader even offered to buy me beer during a small group. What the Heck! I found two other ministries that I think are going to be freaking awesome. Intervarsity is one. Unlike other ministries around here that meet during the week, IV has their main meeting on Friday nights, which, in a college town, means that these kids are the ones truly trying to live as God is calling them on nights when all hell breaks loose. As far as can tell, these folks have deep spiritual relationships, and though the worship band isn't the best around, the worship that goes on at IV is GENUINE. Another awesome ministry here is New Life Campus Fellowship. Wow. Blows my mind away. Unlike other ministries here, it is a real church that meets Sunday mornings. With pastors and everything. Except its all college kids. Sweet. The pastor seems like a Rob Bell. People wear T-shirts and jeans, they give you the lesson notes as you walk in, they have 5, yes 5, bands that have amazing talent, people sing their hearts out, and there are always more kids than seats in the room. Can you imagine so many people at MLUPC that folks would voluntarily sit in the aisles just to be there? God is at work at V-Tech and its freaking sweet.
1 comment:
Awesome to hear the great news Erik! Keep after it. Go Hokies!
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