Well the first couple days of college have been pretty cool. My roommate has a bunch of hilarious friends. We have a good bit in common. Walked around campus today trying to learn our way around & stumbled across a few interesting places. We jumped around to different dorms tonight- poker, HALO, and strange hilarious movie clips- it was interesting how much clean fun (and clean folks) there are down here. Meeting lots of cool people- and a bunch of Christians supriseingly. Going to Blacksburg Pres. tomorrow. Hope its cool. Anyway here's some shots of the day.

hey glad to hear things are going well...it is great to hear...i knew you would not have any problems since you had such a greater understanding to life than most people who go to college...the guy i knew that went to VT went to campus crusades or something like that...well talk to you later and have a good time in your math classes, nerd!!! just kidding!!!
hey glad to hear things are going well...it is great to hear...i knew you would not have any problems since you had such a greater understanding to life than most people who go to college...the guy i knew that went to VT went to campus crusades or something like that...well talk to you later and have a good time in your math classes, nerd!!! just kidding!!!
ya campus crusades looks freaking awesomedown here
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